Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Surface meshing with metric gradation control

Participants : Patrick Laug [correspondant] , Houman Borouchaki.

Scientific computing requires the automatic generation of high quality meshes, in particular isotropic or anisotropic meshes of surfaces defined by a CAD modeler. For this purpose, two major approaches are called direct and indirect. Direct methods (octree, advancing-front or paving) work directly in the tridimensional space, while indirect methods consist in meshing each parametric domain and mapping the resulting mesh onto the composite surface. Using the latter approach, we propose a general scheme for generating “geometric” (or geometry-preserving) meshes by means of metrics. In addition, we introduce a new methodology for controlling the metric gradation in order to improve the shape quality. Application examples have shown the capabilities of this approach.